Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Saint Nicholas"

Here is another Santa I just finished, based on a Michele Stetson roughout. I love the ornate style of painting that Michele was known for and have tried to incorporate that. I'm really pleased with how he turned out! Thanks for looking!


  1. The detail and colors are just fantastic. I would love to learn your painting techniques. I have been preparing for a Christmas handmade crafts show in our community. Santa's are my main product. This is my first time to ever sell. I mostly have given as gifts. I still have a lot to learn. Keep them coming.

  2. Boy! You and Lynn Doughty! I'm guessing that for either of you to get the fantastic painted detail that you do that you must pull all but one of the bristles out of a paint brush and then sharpen that one to a point.

    I think I'm going to have you paint all of my carving from now on!

    Beautiful job!
