Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Tennesee Stud

"The Tennesee stud was long and lean,

the color of the sun, and his eyes were green.

He had the nerve, and he had the blood...

there never was a horse like the Tennesee stud!"

This old hoss is feeling pretty stud-ly, with his stripe-dy pants and rodeo buckle! He is ready to chase a few fillies, and even has a stick to beat them off, should he prove to be tooo irisistable down at the county fairgrounds.

This is another completed project from the Renegade Roundup, a Gary Falin roughout called "Muffin". Gary suggested that I change his design up a bit, by adding the mustache, and it kinda grew into this fellow. I liked the pants and the way he was posed, but it was hard to pick from all the roughouts that Gary had available. Great guy, great carver, and great instructor!

If you get a chance, google Tennesee Stud and listen to the song....the versions by Doc Watson or Johnny Cash on YouTube are both good! Thanks for looking!

Monday, May 20, 2013

"Some days, you're the hydrant....some days, you're the dog."

Here's another of Chris Hammack's bar buddies roughouts. I started this and got it pretty much finished on my day with Chris at the last Renegade Roundup. These fellows are pretty challenging with all the details that he puts in them. I'm finally getting caught up enough to paint the ones I worked on while there.....but haven't even started carving on all the extras I bought! Really enjoyed myself and learned a lot! This old fella resembles a guy I used to know..you can almost read his mind when you look at him. Thanks for looking!

Friday, May 3, 2013


I was messing around with a small piece of wood and it turned into a pretty neat little face. It was about the size of a bottlestopper, but I wanted to present it more as a piece of art. I asked for advice in another post and decided on a base, but it took a while to think of a title. He reminds me of someone, maybe myself, and I got to thinking about years past. Remembering hair this long, and a full beard (not this long). Remembering motorcycles ridden and places seen. People and music, sadness and celebration. The years flow like a river and some memories fade and wash away and others are changed some by the flow of years. I think the best times are always in the present moment and have never had any urge to turn back the clock, to live in the past. But the past can be a nice place to visit, in our "rememberies". Thanks for looking! (hope you like the carving and the base)